Parent Profile!
Welcome to our Parent Profile! Here we feature one of the awesome parents in our community.
For this Parent Profile, we're featuring Kelli Cancel-Carlo. She's been an active member of our Insiders & Ambassadors Facebook Group for almost a year, and we love having her on our squad! She and her husband have a unique story and we're so excited to have her share it!

1. Your Name:
Kystal Kelli Cancel-Carlo
Husband: Francisco Cancel-Carlo
Soren Isaiah Cancel-Carlo, Skylar Carolynne Cancel-Carlo
3. Tell us a little bit about your family life (a little about your husband, day-to-day life, etc.):
I am the CEO of our household (AKA stay at home mommy) and my husband is a Chaplain in the United States Air Force. We have one puppy-dog. Our daughter was born early while my husband was deployed and struggles with liver function. Our son is full of energy and love.
4. Tell us about going from no kids to a newborn - what were the biggest changes?
SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP! Did I mention sleep? Haha, in all seriousness it wasn’t the sleep; it was the sudden realization that I am responsible for this tiny, beautiful life, and no matter how I tried I could never protect him from everything.
When we had Skylar, it was most difficult to see my son struggle from “losing” daddy to the Air Force, and then his baby sister was born just a few short weeks later. I felt helpless as my son’s world turned upside down. Thankfully, they are best buddies now.
5. Where does your family live? Any other cities you’ve lived?
We currently live just outside of Columbia, SC and prior to this we lived in Charleston, SC. As our kids get older, we hope to travel internationally.
6. Tell us a little about what it’s like to have your husband in the Air Force?
My husband is a Chaplain in the Air Force, but being a Chaplain is not what he started out doing. He originally signed to be an Aircraft Maintenance Officer but God had a different plan for our family. My favorite thing about being an Air Force family is the community and family events. There is always something for the kids to do. I think the biggest drawback is obvious: deployments. I love what my husband does though, he genuinely cares about his Airmen and the country he serves.
7. How did you first learn about Itzy Ritzy?
When I was pregnant with our daughter, my husband was determined to find me the perfect diaper bag. I had tried what I thought was every bag on the market. Most were too small, uncomfortable, or not my style aesthetically. Then my husband found the Itzy Ritzy Boss Backpack, it was everything I had been looking for. He was so excited to get it for me.
See, to us it was more than just a diaper bag. This was something my husband put hours of research into; it was an act of love. He knew how important a functional diaper bag would be during his absence. My IR diaper bag came the week he left. I used it every day he was away. Every time I looked at it, I thought of him, his love, his sacrifice, and his devotion. To our family it was and is WAY more than a diaper bag.
8. Favorite Itzy Ritzy product?
My Boss Backpack, but I also find the wet bags are perfect for everything.
9. The hardest part of my day is:
Bed time - my kids love to be awake and sleeping isn’t a fun thing for them.
10. The best part of my day is:
Mornings - both my babies are morning kiddos. Skylar wakes up talking and giggling and Soren wakes up wanting to play with his sister. The love they share is SO beautiful.
Insta: @kellicancelcarlo
11. Favorite date night with your husband?
Oh man, I can’t narrow it down to just one. Francisco is definitely the romantic in our marriage. I guess my favorite date would have been on our 3rd wedding anniversary. He arranged for childcare for Soren, we had dinner at my favorite restaurant, and we took the long way home just to talk. To me, it’s not always the big, romantic dates that mean the most, but it’s the times when he treats me like a queen day after day, even on my worst days. When I’m so exhausted I fall asleep in my son’s room and he carries me to our room. When I fall asleep on the couch and I wake up to him rubbing my feet. Or it is simply a Monday and he thinks I need flowers. Every day with my husband is the most amazing day I could imagine.
12. Anything else you’d like to share with the Itzy Ritzy community?
If you are not a part of this community, you need to be! Itzy Ritzy is such a beautiful company, run by an amazing team who cares and listens to their customers. The moms I have met through their Insiders Facebook group have become some the sweetest friends I have.
Check out Kelli's Itzy Ritzy Must-Haves Collection!