Welcome to our Parent Profile! Here we feature one of the awesome parents in our community.
For this Parent Profile, we're featuring Jen Aceto. She's been an active member of our Insiders & Ambassadors Facebook Group for almost a year, an Itzy Ritzy Ambassador, and now a moderator of our Facebook Group!
Jen Aceto / Husband: Sean Aceto
2. Your child(ren)’s name(s) and age(s):
My daughter’s name is Julien, and she is 22 months old. The name is special to us because it is my maiden name.
3. Tell us a little bit about your family life (a little about your husband, day-to-day life, etc.):
My husband is a Used Car Manager at Honda. I used to work at Honda as well as a Client Relations Manager. I decided to become a stay at home mom about a year ago. My husband works really long hours, so I feel very lucky to be able to be home with our daughter. I am forever grateful to him that I have the opportunity to be home with my daughter, see her grow and experience new things.
4. Tell us about going from no kids to a newborn - what were the biggest changes?
Going from no kids to newborn - I had no idea what it was going to be like. I was scared and excited all at the same time. But, it truly was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It is so crazy to now be responsible for this tiny human being, and they are going to look up to you for all the answers.
5. Where does your family live? Any other cities you’ve lived?
We live in Yorkville, Illinois. Yes, this is by the water park, but no we haven’t gone there yet. My husband & I lived together previously in Montgomery, Des Plaines, and Aurora. I grew up in a small town in Illinois called Fox River Grove. My husband Sean is from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. He is a huge Packers Fan. He converted me from being a Bears fan to a Packers Fan after I went to my first game at Lambeau Field (which he is super proud of)!
6. How did you first learn about Itzy Ritzy?
I first heard about Itzy Ritzy when the Aaryn Williams collab bag was being released. I sadly didn’t order this gorgeous bag in time but I did get to see all the amazing other things Itzy Ritzy had to offer.
7. Favorite Itzy Ritzy product?
That is a hard question. I would have to say my favorite product right now is the Itzy Mini Petite Diaper Bag that was just recently released. This bag is not only super cute, but so functional! It is the perfect bag for me to use on the go with my daughter and then a great cute bag to use when I am going solo.
8. The hardest part of my day is:
One of the hardest parts of my day would have to be when my daughter is having a really rough day because of teething. I hate to see her in pain when there isn’t much that can be done about it.
9. The best part of my day is:
The best part of my day is when I go get my daughter up in the morning. She is so cute because typically she isn’t crying. She is usually just up and talking to her stuffed animals. When I come in the room she will put her arms up and say “Mama.” It melts my heart with how excited she is to see me. I love being a mom so much.
10. What are your must-have winter products?
My winter must-have products are: leggings, comfy sweatshirt, and cozy boots. I also love hot chocolate. If I am ordering something from Starbucks this winter, that is most likely what I will be getting. Call me crazy, but I don’t drink coffee. I know you are thinking how, because you need that mom fuel when you are a mom, but for some reason my body doesn’t do well with caffeine.
11. What is your favorite activity to do with your little one?
I just recently got my daughter a membership to the Dupage Children’s Museum. I love taking her there because it’s so fun to see her explore new things.
12. Favorite date night with your husband?
Honestly, some of the best nights are just curling up on the couch together and watching something on Netflix. I would be happy just watching Friends re-runs on there because that is my favorite show. I just love spending time together and it doesn’t matter what we are doing, the amazing thing about my husband is that no matter what we are doing, he always is able to find a way to make me laugh.
13. When you get the time, what’s your go-to way to treat yourself?
I love going to get my hair done. I also like getting my nails done, but hate the process of sitting there and getting them done. I don’t know why, but I usually always dread going there, but then I’m so happy I did because I love my nails afterward.
14. Anything else you’d like to share with the Itzy Ritzy community?
I just wanted to say that being a parent is for sure hard work, but remember we got this! Yes, some days might be harder than others, but remember what Kelly says “ You’re doing a great job!”